Indian folk back to seek help

Many Indian voters in the country who abandoned the MIC during the March 8 general election are now turning back to the party.

Hundreds of people had started thronging the party’s offices everyday, knowing that only the MIC could help them.

The Indian community has realised that it needed to have a close relationship with the Federal Government through the MIC in order to improve its livelihood.

They admit to having been confused and in disarray, that they were influenced into voting for the Opposition

MIC has an administration, offices and an experienced leadership, and has continued looking after the people despite having lost in the elections.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hmmm... the polls still show 90% of Indians still support PR.

    In any case, if what you say is true, then Samy might have a chance to regain Sungai Siput...

    Let's have another election! Give Samy a chance to win his seat back.

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