I even dowan to put a MR salutation in front of ur word bcoz i feel ur a cheap person.Who the hell are you to ask Dato Seri Samy Vellu to kneel and beg for forgiveness.He is brave enough to meet the PM.Not like ur leader who are hiding in London.I think u went mad after PR plan to form the new government failed.And for that u go and ask DSAI to kneel to all PR supporters.
What have you done for the community? You think by having meeting in Sentul and wearing Hindraf badge can solve all the problems is it?You even dont have a right to talk about MIC and Dato Seri.
If you don't like what Dato Seri S Samy Vellu is doing, just keep shut, and stay a side. Just see what Dato Seri is doing. Listen this, Dato Seri S Samy vellu is doing what you all suppose to do. If you have guts go and meet the PM. Don’t waste money on printing banner and use small children to gain sympathy. Atleast you should use the money to help Vasantha Kumar’s family when their house came to auction.Where were you that time?
I think you solve the problem between HIndraf and Makkal Sakhti first before looking into other matter.Look at your issues first. If Dato Seri can make the release the Hindraf 5 out from detention, I think better you guys go and find a good ropes to hang.
Go and argue with PR leaders about the temple demolished by MPAJ.Why u guys dowan to give any press statement? Go and argue with DSAI and find a good solution.Oh ya ..I forgot that he is busy creating another lie for all of you.Juz wait for his new date of new government formation.
About Me
- PadmaKing
- Nothing much bout me.. Im a graduate from University Malaysia Sarawak in the year 2007 and currently working.. Im an active social worker
My Blog List
A Dollar and a Dream5 years ago
Lucrative jobs in Malaysia13 years ago
New Economic Model14 years ago
Yes we all can improve your blog and your vocab. See the truth and it lies beneath the truth for other not for yourself. If you see the truth for the other your own truth is revealed.Best wishes my friend. Don't end being a fly for another, be yourself for the truth what you fight for.
It is very obvious you are in love with MIC and Dato Seri Samy Vellu.
For when you are in love. You can only see what you wish to see, and blind to the flaws.
Samy Vellu has been a well known agent of UMNO, giving contracts to UMNO goons for his own benefit. That is his main role, and that has made him rich.
Apart from taking normal Indian's hopes and crushing them thru Maika and other ventures. That is just his part time job.
Occasionally he will do something nice for show.
So you say he has the guts to see the PM. And what has come out of it? Crying and begging for scraps from the PM?
SV to PM: "Please, please, give me something, make me look good? Please...."
hippokrit...n u r in love with anware's ass.