1.When clashes happened between MIC Youth Brigade and few other opposition Indians in Machap by-election.. YOU OPENLY CONDEMNED MIC AND BN … DESCRIBED THE INCIDENT AS CANNIBALISM, ANNIMALISM, BRUTALISM
BUT when PKR supporters whacked media person (Shah Alam's Incident, Guang Ming Daily Reporter Incident, Permatang Pauh's by-election Incident) you buat dunno.. assume nothing had happened.. avoid giving ANy statement
2.When petrol price gone to RM 2.70…. YOU SAID… BN SWINDLING PEOPLE's MONEY… DAMN BN…
BUT When petrol price gone down to RM 2.55… YOU SAID IT IS A POLITICAL GIMMIC
3.When a teacher involves in a racial slurs against an Indian student… U HATE BN FOR IT
BUT when PKR's MP and PAS's MP involved in open protest against the Bar Council on having forum discussing the conversion to Islam… AGAIN you buat dunno.. assume nothing had happened.. avoid giving ANy statement
4.When DS Najib said to be involved in Altantuya murder.. even without being an eye witness in that case.. YOU ARE WILLING TO SWEAR AND BELIEVE THAT HE INVOLVED
BUT when DS Anwar Ibrahim was charged in High Court and prisoned for sodomy case and recently caught again with the same case added with a witness admitting he was sodomised… YOU SAID IT IS A POLITICAL ASSASINATION BY BN
5.When BN's MP and Assemblymen caught for bribery….. YOU SAID 'THERE YOU SEE …..'
BUT when PKR's Assemblymen caught for bribery… AGAIN YOU SAID IT IS A POLITICAL ASSASINATION BY BN
6.When HINDRAF's 18 Points Demands (one of the demand is: 2.5 No special privileges for the Malays) rejected by BN.. YOU SAID BN SHOULD NOT LEAD THIS COUNTRY ANYMORE
BUT when HINDRAF's letter on the 19th August 2008 to DS Anwar Ibrahim '...demanding that all the five PKR,DAP and PAS controlled state governments of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan pass a motion endorsing Hindraf's 18 point demands…' and later on 21st August 2008 u read DS Anwar Ibrahim's statement in MalaysiaKini.com by saying "Penasihat PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, negara tidak akan selamat jika hak orang Melayu tidak dipertahankan. Sehubungan itu, bekas timbalan perdana menteri berkata, beliau akan mempertahankan hak orang Melayu dan tidak akan bertolak ansur mengenai perkara tersebut".. AGAIN you buat dunno.. assume nothing had happened.. avoid giving ANy statement
7.When the incident of racial slurs against Indian Student and the incident of Bar Council happened… YOU QUESTIONED MIC ... BN's MPs AND LEADERS WHAT IS THE ACTION TAKEN… BUT NEVER QUESTIONED THE PAKATAN RAKYAT'S INDIAN MPs (more than 10 in parliament) FOR NOT DEBATE THIS ISSUE IN PARLIAMENT
Another history of Malaysian Indians was formed on 17th of August 2008. The launching of inspiring AIMST by the Prime Minister of Malaysia in a very grand manner. I believe this was this one of the greatest achivement of MIC and Malaysian Indians. The crowd who witnessed the event was delighted with the superb planning. I was very proud to be part of this historic event.
AIMST is a private university formed by Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED), MIC's education arm, on March 15 2001. It was conferred university status in April 2007. Its first campus was set up in Aman Jaya here where 24 three-storey shoplots were used as their school.
The university currently has 2,300 undergraduates pursuing Bachelor’s degree courses in medicine and health sciences, dentistry, engineering and computer technology, applied sciences and business and management.
MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the idea to build a university was mooted when he noticed that many qualified students were not given places in public universities.
Also present were Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, AIMST vice-chancellor Prof Geoffrey Smith, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, State Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs committee V. Arumugam, who represented Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak, and other party leaders.
I urged each and every Indian in this country to visit this world class university because this is our lifetime success and achievement.
MIC Youth’s education bureau is not happy that a teacher who hurled stinging racial remarks at her students had been let off the hook.
Malaysia Nanban said that the 35-year-old teacher of SMK Telok Panglima Garang had been transferred to a school nearer her house and the bureau argued that it was not a form of punishment at all.
Bureau chief M. Saravanan said the issue touched on racial sentiments and referred to the Indian community as a whole.
He said the teacher’s apology to the students and parents involved did not diminish the gravity of her action.
Saravanan said action taken by the ministry must serve as a strong lesson for other educators.
He said the teacher had tarnished the dignity and professionalism of her profession and was not qualified to be an educator.
He suggested that the teacher openly apologised to all quarters through the media.

The Cabinet today agreed to reduce the service charge for study loans given by the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) to one per cent for all university students effective June this year.
The PTPTN service charge earlier was three per cent for first degree courses and five per cent for post-graduate courses.

He said that assistance would be channelled through Tekun Nasional, a body under the Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Ministry, and the MIC-owned Social Strategic Foundation (YSS).
Speaking to reporters after a briefing by Tekun managing director Datuk Abdul Rahim Hassan here yesterday, Samy Vellu said that three Indian businessmen aged below 40 had been approved a RM10,000 loan each to develop their businesses.
“No one should come and say that the Government has not done anything for the Indian community. There are opportunities available,” Samy Vellu said.
He said the MIC and YSS would also organise workshops in the respective states over the next two months to disseminate information on Tekun to youths.
Abdul Rahim said that Tekun, which was set up in 1998, had already disbursed RM90mil to bumiputras to develop their businesses and was expanding it to Indian youths.
He said a decision on applications would be made within 14 days if all the documents were in order.
“Tekun will request additional allocation from the Government if the RM3mil is inadequate,” he said.
Hi i am reading a lot of blogs and group discussion about the downfall of MIC. I agree we did not perform well but i guess there is a lot young bloods outside the party are giving some good ideas in order to improve MIC operations.I should thank them for the ideas but what's the point of talking outside? Y dont you all come in and change ou entire image of MIC. I am suprised why they are wacking us left and right when the others who are from different political party can sit together even they did not want to merge. I think you should put a stop on wacking MIC and come with a new plans where all of us join hands together and show others that we are united.
People asked me why you are still dying for MIC? I replied that if PAS,DAP and Keadilan supporters think like this then they would not gain this major victory today. I believe in patience and things will work on our favour.So give us some time as we are improving.