1.When clashes happened between MIC Youth Brigade and few other opposition Indians in Machap by-election.. YOU OPENLY CONDEMNED MIC AND BN … DESCRIBED THE INCIDENT AS CANNIBALISM, ANNIMALISM, BRUTALISM
BUT when PKR supporters whacked media person (Shah Alam's Incident, Guang Ming Daily Reporter Incident, Permatang Pauh's by-election Incident) you buat dunno.. assume nothing had happened.. avoid giving ANy statement
2.When petrol price gone to RM 2.70…. YOU SAID… BN SWINDLING PEOPLE's MONEY… DAMN BN…
BUT When petrol price gone down to RM 2.55… YOU SAID IT IS A POLITICAL GIMMIC
3.When a teacher involves in a racial slurs against an Indian student… U HATE BN FOR IT
BUT when PKR's MP and PAS's MP involved in open protest against the Bar Council on having forum discussing the conversion to Islam… AGAIN you buat dunno.. assume nothing had happened.. avoid giving ANy statement
4.When DS Najib said to be involved in Altantuya murder.. even without being an eye witness in that case.. YOU ARE WILLING TO SWEAR AND BELIEVE THAT HE INVOLVED
BUT when DS Anwar Ibrahim was charged in High Court and prisoned for sodomy case and recently caught again with the same case added with a witness admitting he was sodomised… YOU SAID IT IS A POLITICAL ASSASINATION BY BN
5.When BN's MP and Assemblymen caught for bribery….. YOU SAID 'THERE YOU SEE …..'
BUT when PKR's Assemblymen caught for bribery… AGAIN YOU SAID IT IS A POLITICAL ASSASINATION BY BN
6.When HINDRAF's 18 Points Demands (one of the demand is: 2.5 No special privileges for the Malays) rejected by BN.. YOU SAID BN SHOULD NOT LEAD THIS COUNTRY ANYMORE
BUT when HINDRAF's letter on the 19th August 2008 to DS Anwar Ibrahim '...demanding that all the five PKR,DAP and PAS controlled state governments of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan pass a motion endorsing Hindraf's 18 point demands…' and later on 21st August 2008 u read DS Anwar Ibrahim's statement in MalaysiaKini.com by saying "Penasihat PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, negara tidak akan selamat jika hak orang Melayu tidak dipertahankan. Sehubungan itu, bekas timbalan perdana menteri berkata, beliau akan mempertahankan hak orang Melayu dan tidak akan bertolak ansur mengenai perkara tersebut".. AGAIN you buat dunno.. assume nothing had happened.. avoid giving ANy statement
7.When the incident of racial slurs against Indian Student and the incident of Bar Council happened… YOU QUESTIONED MIC ... BN's MPs AND LEADERS WHAT IS THE ACTION TAKEN… BUT NEVER QUESTIONED THE PAKATAN RAKYAT'S INDIAN MPs (more than 10 in parliament) FOR NOT DEBATE THIS ISSUE IN PARLIAMENT
About Me
- PadmaKing
- Nothing much bout me.. Im a graduate from University Malaysia Sarawak in the year 2007 and currently working.. Im an active social worker
My Blog List
A Dollar and a Dream5 years ago
Lucrative jobs in Malaysia13 years ago
New Economic Model14 years ago
Congratulations on your blog Padma!
Good articles posted here.
I will continue reading your insights.
Best wishes,