Hi i am reading a lot of blogs and group discussion about the downfall of MIC. I agree we did not perform well but i guess there is a lot young bloods outside the party are giving some good ideas in order to improve MIC operations.I should thank them for the ideas but what's the point of talking outside? Y dont you all come in and change ou entire image of MIC. I am suprised why they are wacking us left and right when the others who are from different political party can sit together even they did not want to merge. I think you should put a stop on wacking MIC and come with a new plans where all of us join hands together and show others that we are united.
People asked me why you are still dying for MIC? I replied that if PAS,DAP and Keadilan supporters think like this then they would not gain this major victory today. I believe in patience and things will work on our favour.So give us some time as we are improving.
About Me
- PadmaKing
- Nothing much bout me.. Im a graduate from University Malaysia Sarawak in the year 2007 and currently working.. Im an active social worker
My Blog List
A Dollar and a Dream5 years ago
Lucrative jobs in Malaysia13 years ago
New Economic Model14 years ago
Can u guys pls pls pls suggest to drop Samy VELLU?